Here's Why Alcohol Causes Weight Gain

Publish Date
Friday, 17 June 2016, 2:58PM
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Photo / iStock

A lot of us love to have a drink (or five) at the end of the day or over the weekend, but it's not great for our weight.

Transform Health founder Jordan Ponder has found that weight loss and alcohol don't mix and here's why:

It's a Depressant

Even one or two glasses can interfere with you the next day, making you feel foggy and not 100%. Unhappiness has been related to weight gain. 

You're Drinking Empty Calories

Jordan tells us a bottle of wine is equivalent to half a loaf of bread in energy. Unfortunately for your love of booze, there are zero vitamins, minerals or nutrients in alcohol, so choosing a healthy meal is always better than empty calories.

It's Easy To Drink A Lot (noooo? We had no idea?)

The problem with alcohol is it's energy dense, making it easy to go from one glass to two and before you know it, you've downed an entire bottle. The more alcohol, the more calories!

It Encourages Over-Eating 

Who else ends up heading to Macca's after a night of a drinking? Or even the next morning... People crave the naughty, high-fat stuff when they're drinking so we end up eating even more calories than we would had we not been drinking!

It Stops You From Exercising

The cloudy feeling you get the next day after a few bevvies the night before is often enough to stop you from wanting to work out. Don't let it get in the way! 


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