Try it Out Tuesday - Estelle tries out a raincoat bib on her baby

OK so I don't think they're actually called a raincoat bib but this one that I've tried today on Ava resembles exactly that.

Great deal on TradeMe with this one and the cloth frontage one, paid six bucks, totally worth a try for that.

Most of her other bibs, and a growing array of her clothing, are covered in some form of food stain. Kumara and banana can make a real messy stain if you don't get onto them pronto...who knew?!

Anyway, withstanding covering her in plastic wrap or feeding her naked, figured we'd try these bibs out.

It's a win, win if you ask me. Easy to clean, kept Ava clean and there's room to grow, oh and I got em for a bargain!

Also trying out the pasta shapes for the first time, has been well keen for lunch and dinner - bit of olive oil, tomato and cheese. Things got weird once we got to the kumara and gingernut combo #facepalm Just roll with it xo