This Girl Drew Disney Princesses To Look The Age They’d Be Today

What an amazing job! Here what artist Isaque had to say about her work.

"My name is Isaque Arêas (Facebook page is Life, Art and Times) and I’m a Brazilian artist. I really love Disney movies and I’m about to tell you the story of my artwork: “After and Before – Disney Princesses”.

I started it in 2013. The first idea was a little bit crazy but “I love crazy” (if you are a Disney fan you will get it)! I was watching the Hollywood artists getting older; people from movies getting older and I thought “What if Disney Princesses were artists in their own movie? Why aren’t Disney Princesses getting older too?”. Then I started drawing, but my skills were not that good by that time and I gave up.

Some days ago, I restarted the project. Why? I really don’t know why but I restarted it.

When I was a child I used to identify myself with several characters and my first objective with this artwork was to show people – mainly women – that they can identify with these characters even if they get old. I saw the objective being reached when people commented on the photos things like “OMG! She looks like my mom!” or “she’s my age now and she’s beautiful”. Even older we can be beautiful, kind, strong, gentle and smart like Disney characters – we can be children inside."
